Daily Living
Residents are in charge of their own daily lives. They are in control their choices and participate as they feel led. When residents direct their lives, there is less boredom, loneliness and helplessness. Residents can participate in many areas of daily living including:
Activities are planned in accordance to individual preferences. Activities may be either group or individual as directed by the residents. Residents will be offered non-denominational daily devotions. Residents are encouraged to participate in activities in a manner they feel comfortable.
Home-Cooked Meals
Meals are planned with the residents, staff and registered dietitian incorporating favorite foods using resident family recipes. Homestead Estates uses home grown beef and pork raised locally.

Medication Management
The facility manages medication administration for those residents who choose. Residents may choose to self -administer medications, however licensed nursing staff will assess each individual for ability to safely administer their own medication prior to self-administration.
Assistance with ADL's
Residents are assisted with Activities of Daily Living (ADL's) as necessary and directed by their Negotiated Service Agreement. Including bathing, personal care, dressing, eating and incontinence care.
To learn more about our retirement home services, call us at (620) 626-5672!